Saturday, February 6, 2010

BGS Fieldtrip 2/13/10

As you all probably know by now, the field trip is scheduled for the Saturday before Valentine's day but February is kind of an "iffy" month in central Texas for outdoor activities. If we get too much rain, or even snow (!), next week, the Head Clod has determined that two of the stops will be inaccessible and the field trip will be postponed (somewhat bummed here). Here's a link to NOAA's 7-day forecast for Waco, just so you'll know as much as the anybody knows about whether it's a go or no-go situation:

There's a probable agenda for the trip below (see post of Oct. 15, 2009).

Then yesterday, we got a note from Aislyn Trendel - vice-clod, always the optimist, reminding us that we have to sign a safety waiver prior to the trip. BGS personnel will have copies by the vans Saturday morning for us to sign.

. . . so keep track of the weather and keep your fingers crossed!

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